Blog post
September 8, 2023

Creating a Website: A Guide to Get Started with Cosmo Digital Solutions

Organisation growth
Startup support

Your website is an essential part of your organisation. Digital Business Pipeline held an event with Cosmo Digital Solutions to learn more.

Whether you’re looking to gain more clients, showcase your work or get ahead of your competitors, a website is an essential aspect of a business's presence. Truth is, you don’t have to be an expert anymore to build a website or know everything about coding. Digital Business Pipeline, a programme that helps to generate a pipeline of new digital businesses, delivered a workshop with Chris from Cosmo Digital Solutions about building a website, common practices, and design tips.

If you didn’t get a chance to attend, here’s everything we learned.

Why is a website important?

A website serves as your virtual storefront, giving your business an online identity. Often the first point of contact for any potential clients, it is accessible to your audience 24/7. But it can also be a lot more than this as well.

Before building a website, it’s important to understand your objectives, key audience, and goals. For example, what is it you’re trying to sell, why is there a demand for it and how are you going to help?  The next step is to create a domain name, ensuring you perform any checks of plagiarism.

1. Domain name

A domain name is the website address, such as It is usually chosen to reflect the name, brand, or purpose of the website. It’s a good idea to think of something catchy, making it easy to remember for potential customers. Before you create a business name or buy a domain name, it’s essential that you perform research for trademark purposes. You can use this company name availability checker on the government website to perform a check or directly on the IPO website for Trade Marks.

2. Content management systems

Content Management Systems (CMS) are software platforms that facilitate the creation, management, and organisation of digital content for websites.

They provide tools and features that make it easier for individuals, businesses, and organisations to build and maintain their websites. Here are some popular options:

- WordPress

- Squarespace

- Wix

- Shopify

- Joomla

- Drupal

Choose your CMS wisely, ensuring it aligns with your business goals and suits the skills of your team.

3. Avoiding poorly developed websites

One of the risks many businesses face is developing poorly built websites. For example, non-indexed pages, duplicate content and 404. But perhaps more important is ensuring the security of your website so your software and data does not get hacked. Tips include using a Firewall, removing unused plugins, and providing individual staff accounts. Not only can any of this be damaging to your website ranking but Google could potentially take your website down.

“My biggest piece of advice is to always be thorough in what you do. Make sure you never try to cut corners because this is where everything goes wrong.”
- Chris, Cosmo Digital Solutions

4. Design tips for websites

Building a website often involves the cooperation between the copywriters, the front-end developers, the back-end developers, and the project lead. Some design tips include:

- Understanding your audience: Ensuring you pick a design that resonates with them.

- Responsive design: Meaning it can adapt to all screen sizes, devices and is adequate for mobile browsing.

- Simple navigation: Make sure it is easy to navigate.

- Consistent branding: Using clear branding colours that reflect your business.

- Readable typography: Choose easy-to-read fonts and styles.

- Loading speed: Optimise and fix imagery and code to ensure fast loading times.

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Thanks to Digital Business Pipeline for hosting this workshop and Chris from Cosmo Digital Solutions for the delivery.